នត្ថិ សន្តិ បរំសុខំ និព្វានំ បរមំ សុខំ គ្មានសេចក្តីសុខណាស្មើដោយសេចក្តីស្ងប់ ព្រះនិព្វានជាបរមសុខ Nati Santi Param Sukham, Nibbanam Paramam Sukham Peace is the Highest Happiness, Enlightenment is the Ultimate Happiness. www.khmerbuddhistassociation.org
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Saffron Robe Offering or Kathin Ceremony on Sunday, October 28, 2551
Kathin means sewing the robe. In this context, Bon Kathin means Saffron Robe Offering that arranged to offer Buddhist monks who have been staying in one particular place during 3 months of rain retreat. This year BE.2551 (2007) starts from July 30 to October 26. These complete 3 months Buddhist Lent hibernation of Bhikkhu Monks significantly qualifies their receiving of Saffron Robe Offering. This offering is remarkably addressed by Lord Buddha as a rare ceremony of the year and the Kathin ceremony hosts can gain tremendous merit. Around the world, Buddhists are obligate to host this ceremony.
Bhikkhu monk leads the Kathin procession around the temple (3 rounds) before offering to the Sangha.
Kathin hosts are concentrating on offering and dedicating to obtain goodness of merit emancipation (Athithaana Chitta).
To be qualified for Kathin offering, more than 4 monks are required to obtain the quorum of Sangha (Bhikkhu Monk Assembly)
Mantra chanting, observing precepts, dedicating and meditating.
Sangha assembled to finalize the Kathin ceremony with 1). announcing a valid candidate to receive Kathin robe, 2). Sangha expresses enthusiasm with the successful candidate, and 3). Sangha blesses the Kathin ceremony hosts and devotees.
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Kathin means sewing the robe. In this context, Bon Kathin means Saffron Robe Offering that arranged to offer Buddhist monks who have been s...
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