Tuesday, October 13, 2015


ប្រធាននិងគណះកម្មការចាស់តែអណត្តិថ្មី លោកប្រធាននិងគណះកម្មការទាំងថ្មីចាស់ឡើងបញ្ចេញមតិជួយកសាងវត្តយើង បន្ទាប់ពីពួកគាត់បានជ្រើសតាំងក្នុងអាណត្តិទី២បន្តទៀត សូមអរគុណញោមប្រធាននិងគណះកម្មការដែលលះបង់ពេលវេលាទាំងកម្លាំងកាយចិត្តមកជួយវត្តយើង។
Old president and committees delivered speeches after appointed the second new mandates on how to build new temple or another plan for next generation. As we monks and Buddhists around BC., are so special thank to president and committees who support and sacrifice to our temple with physics and mental.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pchum Ben Entertainment of Wat Khmer BC

B.C. court interpreter delays lead to staying of drug charges

B.C. court interpreter delays lead to staying of drug charges


Problems finding Cambodian interpreter led to wasted time, delays, mistrial and stayed charges

By Jason Proctor, CBC News Posted: Sep 18, 2015 5:00 AM PT Last Updated: Sep 18, 2015 7:06 AM PT
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Douglas Thompson found a failure to find a competent interpreter led to 'an embarrassing collapse of ability of the courts to adjudicate' in the case of an accused drug trafficker.
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Douglas Thompson found a failure to find a competent interpreter led to ‘an embarrassing collapse of ability of the courts to adjudicate’ in the case of an accused drug trafficker.
A B.C. Supreme Court judge has stayed charges against an accused drug trafficker because the Ministry of Justice’s repeated failure to find a competent Cambodian interpreter.
Justice Douglas Thompson called Rong Kong Thim’s two-year legal language odyssey “one of those clearest of cases where the integrity of the judicial system is best protected by a stay of proceedings.”
The Comox Valley man was charged in September 2013 with possession of cocaine and marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, as well as unlawful production of marijuana.
Thompson acknowledged the seriousness of the charges. But after a series of adjournments and numerous attempts to find an interpreter — one of which led to a mistrial — the judge said he was left with no choice.
“There comes a stage at which continuing the process comes at too high a cost to the reputation of the administration of justice,” Thompson said in oral reasons for judgment.
“When is enough, enough? I conclude that line has been crossed.”

Seven failed attempts

According to RCMP, Thim was arrested getting off a ferry in Nanaimo, B.C. Police claimed he was in possession of a kilogram of cocaine.

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